When life (or Nigeria) Gives you Lemons....Make Special Lemonade (with a shot of vodka)!

Wednesday 30 April 2008

5 Habits of Highly Effective Boyfriends.

Hey People!

I have been thinking about this for a while now and suddenly decided to share it with the world!

It's nothing even failsafe...after all there is no perfect formula!!...but i think you will find that it really does help...

Based on my past experiences with guys, I have come up with 5 things that i think every boyfriend should do i know this? because i spend two years sending telepathic messages to my ex..willing him to do just ONE of these things...but alas...he was a sour one...:-D

So here goes....

pinch of salt people!

1. Little Reminders
If you have been going out with your babe for a while now and the sugar-coated glaze of the 'honeymoon' phase is over and you are getting into the nitty gritty of the relationship, it's important to remind often as you can...that she is still if you are really busy...say during exam would be surprised that a small gesture such as a text, or even a 5 minute conversation on msn would brighten her day because it means you are THINKING about her.

you would actually be surprised the amount of time your babe could spend thinking 'is he thinking about me?...' and the second you assure her u changes the focus of her her time to think about other important things in her life (not that you aren't important...:)...but we as girls should NEVER spend valuable time pining).

2. Take Interest in her Interests
Now this is self-explanatory..but i think its a really important point to take into consideration because i think it brings you as a couple closer. She just feels a connection with you and it also proves that you LISTEN..

the super-boyfriend would actually go out of his way to LEARN about his babe's, not all guys have time to learn about something random like wildlife photography..but if its your girlfriends should at least be able to name one famous photographer she tries to model herself after...

my ex...well, he was a special one...

aside from writing, i am actually really passionate about my degree and how i can help people using it...

i can't exactly say what my degree because then it would only make it that much easier to identify me!!....... :-D

so let's say I'm passionate about...wildlife

LemonadeGirl: so, babe I've been thinking..i need new lenses for the camera so i can get better shots....would you come with me? the equipment is kind of heavy.. do you need to take pictures of animals, they aren't even interesting..
LG: well that's my passion...
Ex: why do you need lenses...cant you just use your digital camera
LG: because i need to use special capture moving things....
Ex: oh yeah?..can u move out of the way, your blocking the TV...

NEVER a good look :(

3. Give her Space
I know girls hate it when u make any kind of reference to them being 'hormonal'..but u know what? its the way we are built..we are meant to be emotional! emotionally unavailable a guy.

So, i know it irritates the shit out of you when your girlfriend all of a sudden has a mood swing and is stomping around glaring at you for no reason...but u have to just ignore it and GIVE HER SPACE

CARDINAL RULE: never ever ever ever use the word 'Drama' in any kind of context in reference to her behaviour...never! and i know you would never be the ass who asks her..

'are u on your period?...'

U could possibly receive a slap if she really IS on her

4. Respect
this is a short one...more of a reminder
I know a lot of you guys are thinking...'c'mon, i already respect her...' but this is just to remind you that there are a lot of ways you could be disrespecting her without knowing it...for instance...public situations

It might be a subconscious thing..but the point is to make it conscious! don't ever say something derogatory to her (even as a joke) in front of ANYONE.

5. Let her THINK she has won!
lol...i think this is every girl's favorite...which might sound strange because of the word 'think' in the title...but if u are a skilled bullshitter this will make all ur relationship dreams come true!

Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where u cant seem to agree with your babe...and ur both battling it out and u KNOW that you are right..and she's getting angrier and angrier..and all you can see is that 'special something' she promised you tonight slip away..

STOP..and think..'is it really worth it?...' and just give in. Yes! i know ur pride hurts blah blah...but its all about the bigger picture..u get me?

you would be surprised at the speed with which she shuts-up! and in her mind she thinks she has won..and everything is u BOTH win

I know girls that read this will be like...huh..what are u saying?..but think about it ladies...if you don't know hes doing feels soooo good when he just gives into what ur saying..because lets face it we always think we are it cuts short unnecessary arguments!

sooooo...guys...just do 2 or three of these things (but no. 5 is imperative!) and if there is an me some love...:D


P.s. my birthday is round the corner bloggers...any ideas for what i should do?


Tinu said...

you speak absolute truth!!! mehn we girls need to teach guys these things!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with you on this.

Chari said...

Uhmm..I do all five is that in any way connected to the fact that ma gf is always telling me am too good to be true???

am 4 real...I aint joking...

Anonymous said...

Charizard ...

you do all 5 ? I hear you.

You must be from the moon then.

Na u win am o!


LemonadeGirl said...

wow... Charizard... U must be near perfect!

Mr Starks said...

lol, I have rectified the issue lol. My baddddd

tobenna said...

You just drop by on people's blogs and post a link to your blog...
Not fair at all.
You should at least put up some related comment to the post.
At least to indicate you tried to read the post.

Will be back to read your blog later :P

Anonymous said...

lol @ spammer ... a bit harsh no?

LemonadeGirl said...

My wonderful friends who were trying to get people to read my blog prob did a few hit and runs... I do try to read a blog before I leave the link to mine... Or 'spam' as u say... At least it got the job done!

vindication through innocence said...

you speak truth!!nice blog

LemonadeGirl said...

Thankyou! :-)

tobenna said...

Ok. you have me hooked.
You must have really good friends.
Let me start my welcoming you to blogging. Hope you have fun and don't stop soon.

Your 5 habits are spot on.
The key word there is habit.
I do all, but not habitually.
No. 5 is usually the hardest for me. Sigh..

Buttercup said...

LOL! u cudnt be more right! after i broke up wit my most recent ex n we were talkin bout y i did n ish, he asked if i was on my period wen i made the decision! thank goodness we were on diff sides of the earth, otherwise he'd probably have gotten that slap!