Hola Blogsville!
I am so so sorry for this unnecessarily long absence! I have just been really busy ;)
I haven't actually been on blogger for a while...so I have missed some of you very very much. Charzy my love...you know I could never abandon you!
Well I did promise to give you the gist and here it is!
About a month ago I had all but given up on finding a man. Not because of any reason in particular, I just thought i would focus my energy on other things. But you know what they say...Its when you least expect it. I have never really been a fan of cliches but this time I had to admit I was right in the middle of one.
This may sound like the plot of a movie...but he works in my dad's office, thus making me the boss's daughter!
I was walking around the office saying hi to a bunch of people I knew that worked there...there were a few new people and I thought I may as well introduce myself to them. When I walked into his office all I could see at first was the back of his head, so I walked up to him to say hi....When he turned around I became this blinking fish of an idiot
BF: Oh Hello, you must be Mr ******'s Daughter, I'm BF
LG: (In a teeny voice) Um...yeah
BF: Heard so much about you (smiles)
LG: (Melts) Um...yeah
BF: Ok....So how are you finding Nigeria?
LG: OK...It's ok I mean
BF: OK, well nice to meet you
LG: Yeah
I could not believe it...I really could not believe it and felt like asking for a do-over...but how stupid would that look
'Oh hey, excuse my earlier behaviour, I was just dazzled by your good looks and your obviously amazing physique...do-over?'
I could have kicked myself...but then I would have fallen over and made more of a fool of myself.
Over the next couple of weeks, I saw him about 3 times in the office when I suddenly needed to get something from there of just visit my dad. Not in a stalkerish way! You know, in a cool, I just needed to show him I wasn't a complete spastic way!
So we kind of developed this friendly banter...and it was all good...I kept telling myself to get over this feeling I had because obviously he didn't feel the same way...as we talked more I found out we went to the same Uni...only he went 5 years before me...we liked the same music...we hated the same things...I realised that we actually had chemistry...but what could I do about it??
I decided to invite him for this party I was going to since I had two extra tickets. He said he would come...
I cannot tell you (very sadly) how many hours of preparation went into that party...I thought it might be my chance to let him know what was up...:)
So he gets to the party and I am looking very hot if I do say so myself...so he comes up to me and tells me I look hot! Score!
We somehow ended up dancing the whole night...which was almost 3 hours...So I was happy :) Then he gave me the Look...and leaned in closer...my lips puckered of their own volition...any second now...
He moved back
BF: I don't know LG, I work for your father, it might be weird.
LG: Er...ok
I extracted myself from within his sexy arms and walked away.
In my mind it sounded like an excuse, but the more optimistic part of me decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. It possibly could be weird to date the daughter of the man you work for.
The next day i decided to write it off as a fluke attraction...and move on.
I call BF to let him know there were no hard feelings...
BF: I'm not sure if this is the right thing to do, but I can't seem to get last night out of my head...Maybe we should get to know each other better?
*doing a little victory dance*
LG: (In an ultra cool voice...as if I hadn't been doing a victory dance) Ok...
So it began! We spoke on the phone for hours...and the rest they say is history!
He took me out for dinner one night at a really nice restaurant...he opened doors and pulled out chairs. We decided to go to club after dinner...We went to 3 clubs and danced and talked... at the third club we were dancing, I was facing him...and before I knew it his lips were on mine.
Sweet Mother of God
The whole club melted away. I couldn't feel my legs. It lasted an eternity
(This is so cheesy I know. But i can't help it! It's true...Gosh thinking about it now gives me shivers :) )
So the rest really IS history.
I am currently on holiday...and its hard to be away from him when we just started going out...
I don't think I have ever felt this connection with a person before...He knows me even though we have only 'known' each other for little over a month...He is the most considerate and thoughtful guy I have ever met...
Could this be the one?
Ok, ok it seems a tad bit premature to say....but I'm telling you blogsville...the way I feel on the inside...I cant really describe it :)
He told me that even though some people think it is 'out of sight, out of mind' its different for him because for once he isn't thinking rationally and he doesn't like me in his mind, he likes me in his heart.
His friend asked me if I had used jazz on him (LOL!) because he has never seen his friend act this way...this is his friend who never liked PDA, who never really looked at a girl like this, holding my hand at all times, kissing me every 5 minutes, smiling every time he talks about me...
Well, what can I say? I have that effect on guys. :-D
So, now I am in this amazing relationship and I cant remember a time when I wasn't happy...I know there is always a 'honeymoon period' but I don't care...all I can think about is the now.
I sound like a big mushy idiot, I know :)
Allow me
Your Experience Does Not Define You
5 years ago